Thursday, May 19, 2005

What a Racket

Quoth the Comedy Central: "Watch never-before-scene features from the Chapelle's Show Season 2 DVD before they're released!" Well, considering you're the network that airs the show, it seems like that would include EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.

It's always nifty when you can impress people by not showing them something. E.g., imagine the conversation at comedy central:

"Wow, that sketch sucks. I mean, I know every thing Dave Chapelle thinks about is some racial commentary, but the getting-in-the-mind-of-a-member-of-some-obscure-Andean-Sheep-Herder-tribe is so overdone."

"OK, fine it's cut."

"Wait, no, let's just put it off for a few months, to have some morsel to throw at his screaming fans."

So, in summation, fuck you Comedy Central; Dave, good luck getting your mind off the bitches that be drivin' you so crazy.

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