Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Breaking News: Hampshiregate

The Democratic Party headquarters in New Hampshire were broken into!

Even the staid New York Times couldn't resist saying "Burglars have broken into Democratic Party headquarters. No, you're not having a flashback to 1972 and the infamous event [boring New York Times recounting of "facts" "sensically"]". So I'm just going to take this as a warm-up, a practice: write a few jokes, and then dissect them. Your (better) jokes in comments.

  • "Will this lead to John Lynch's downfall?" (he's the governor of New Hampshire; yes I looked it up)
  • "It was probably Candians." Look, I don't think it's funny, but The Leviathan will. Not because of NH's proximity to Canadians, but because some nationalities send him all a-stitches. E.g., "Luxembourgians". I can hear him laughing already.
  • "Maybe it's Zombie Nixon!" Wait, is there any other kind of Nixon?
  • "New Hampshire? Isn't that in Vermont?" Look, it's late. Here at The Enfranchised, it's timely, funny, sensical: pick 1.
  • "Maybe it was the Libertarians." That's not a joke; it's a warning. Those libertarians are fucking fierce, and they're coming for you. Consider yourself alerted.

Like I said, your (funnier) jokes in the comments.

1 comment:

Foster said...

-Rudy Guiliani's campaign is already pushing this as further evidence that Democrats are soft on crime.

-In light of the break-ins, New Hampshire is considering modifying its state motto to "live with the liberty afforded by a mutual respect for state and local criminal statutes or die"

-Democrat party officials have reported that among the items stolen was the political resolve necessary to offer a workable alternative to President Bush's Iraq policy.

-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she felt "violated" and doubted whether she could ever trust New Hampshire again.

-At a recent appearance in Iowa, Senator Hillary Clinton expressed her deep regret that a certain dark, unsavory element had found its way into the Democratic party while gesturing with her eyes in the direction of Barack Obama (D – Illinois)

-The burglary was reportedly called in by a simple-minded Alabama shrimping magnate with a compelling story and a heart of gold.

-DNC Chair Howard Dean issued the following statement directed at the perpetrators: "Please, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"