Thursday, November 11, 2004

Prolegomena to any Future French-Bashing

Well, I'm headed off to Paris this evening. Scott, Ernest, the boys and I are swinging down for Hank Miller's gangbang. Should be pretty wild. Hear Gertrude's gonna be there.

But seriously people, if you got even half of those oblique-and-yet-surprisingly-sophmoric literary references, then you have an idea why such a ranging anti-Frogite like myself would be caught dead on the Left OR Right banks without at least a mechanized infantry brigade in tow. I'm looking forward to seeing the city, eating the food, and trying to be as respectful as possible in deference to the short-but-distinguished (like Bentley's Johnson) list of cool French people:

-William the Conqueror

-Alexandre Dumas

-Joan of muthafuckin Arc

-Louis Pasteur

-Marie Curie

-Cyrano de Bergerac

-Montesquieu, Rosseau and, I'll even give you Michel Foucault

-Jean Reno

-The Marquis de Lafayette (better known among British redcoats as "The OTHER Marquis de Sade")

I've always said that the only good thing about French men is their close resemblance to French women, but I am open-minded. Let's see if my unfounded, know-nothing nativism gets some ex poste facto justification.


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