Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Pissing Into The Wind, Round 2

Lots of news today. An attack on the American Consulate in Saudi Arabia. The BBC is cutting its staff by 10 percent, in a move sure to raise the stakes in its arms race with NPR to see who can be the shittier public information source in a world of media conglomerates.
Eliot Spitzer, the man Wall Street hates more than beggars, has thrown his hat into the race for governor of New York. So what to talk about in this second edition of Pissing Into The Wind? Obviously we will only tackle issues of firstmost importance and relevance.

The BCS.

That's right. Every other NCAA sport manages to have a sane play-off schedule, generating mania commensurate with its stature. Basketball has March Madness. Women's Volleyball has December Dulcitude. Men's Volleyball has Arbitrary Month Arbitrage. But when it comes to football, we just trip over ourselves.

First we say that it's too computer guided, so we emphasize human voting. Then the humans are lobbied heavily, and Cal manages to win a game when the lower ranked Texas isn't even playing, and they LOSE A SPOT IN THE ROSE BOWL. What kind of system is it when we take a Pac-10 team out of the Rose Bowl?

So, to you, my panelists, I put the question: how do we bring sanity to the system? Play-offs? Calling audibles on bowl games (like right now, let's just have a 2-3 play in game for Auburn and Smokelahoma)? Just giving USC the national championship and letting all the other teams play for second? Bring back Zombie Knute Rockne and let him coach the Fighting Irish?

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