Friday, January 07, 2005

...and the Southern Shaved Bush refutes the going botanical orthodoxies

Kudos to the Leviathan on his brilliant repost-riposte below. I hate to draw attention from it, but I was glancing over the Oxford homepage which I so often ignore, and I stumbled upon what may just be the greatest and best thing in the world.

Great Tits Challenge Evolutionary Theory

Now, I'm led to one of two conclusions, each of which is sufficient to convince me that, in Hemingway's words, the world is a fine place and worth fighting for. Either Oxford--the oldest, most prestigious and best educational institution in the world--has still got the sense of humor and set of balls so utterly lacking at the likes of Fenlands Polytechnic and the place my Bulldog-associate so lovingly calls Epcot Oxford, or the old Oxonian dons are so sublimely oblivious to all things peripheral to their ivory towers that this Pulchritudinous Pun simply swam over their heads with all the grace of a swan on the River Isis.

-H.R. Chortleton IV

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