Friday, January 07, 2005

Pissing Into The Wind

So the Piss has turned, has it? Both my commentators have agreed, leaving only the moderator to reap vengeance? Fine.

Point Number 1: Under Capitalism, man screws man. Under communism, it's the other way around.

Agenda Item Letter B: I love America. Because I live in it. But if you're on the outside looking in, this "outpouring of aid" is more like a giant's pumpkin pie crashing down on you because his feast was so bountiful that he pushed it off the table. What the woodchuck are you going to do with a giant pumpkin pie? It's not that healthy, and fuck if you don't even have any whip cream, of either brobdingnagian or lilliputian proportions to eat it with.

Argument Animal Fish: Yeah, maybe the public did right in this one instance. But you know why? Cause it was photogenic in that awful, makes you face your own mortality kinda way. (When my roommate saw this, his first response was a shocked "oh my god". His second a "that reminds me of sim city") But Americans woudl donate so much more if we saw a picture of a puppy about to be ground up and fed to orphans, all of whom have lisps, stutters, or some other sort of speech impediment. Speaking of which, another of my friends recently referred to a Parkinson's as "speaking sign language with a stutter." He's going to hell. And so are you for laughing at it. Are these the kind of people you want making choices of aid distribution? No, of course not. Admit it, you're pulling for the bureaucratic, faceless, compassionless arm of the law to come through.

-D"Though I don't know what kind of arm does have a face"an

Editor's Note: For a scholarly (that is to say, unfunny) exchange about the aesthetics and psychology of tragedy, see Bentley's seminal Theory of History, and Foster's 7 Theses in response.

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